
On Sunday 13 May 2012 4 comments

If you have a felt poker table at home then it is extremely important to clean the felt every week so as to keep it at maximum performance. When the table is being used on a regular basis there is a lot of dirt, dust and debris it can accumulate. There are a number of oils stains that coat the felt from food debris. People also tend to drop a lot of drinks on the table from time to time. If you are going to play games with your family and friends using the table a certain amount of messiness should be taken for granted. But if you clean the table well then you can help prolong the life span of the felt.

If you want to clean the felt on poker tables you should get yourself a lint brush. Lint brushed easily clean away any fluff or lint fibres that may have settled on the table at the time of various games. It also helps get rid of hair and fur which can be found on the felt if you have an animal in the house. If you cannot get lint brush or don’t have one handy you can roll up some masking take and use that. It is imperative to remember that you use only masking tape and no other tapes. The reason is that other tapes are more likely to leave fibres than pick them up.

To get rid of stains you should take a bowl of cool water and dip a soft cloth into it. Then you should wring all the water out of the cloth so that it is damp but not wet or dripping. Use this damp cloth to wipe the entire area of the felt. If you feel that the cloth has become too dry you can dampen it again slightly. It is important to remember to wring out all the water before you start wiping. Also, it is very important that you use cold water to do the wiping because hot water will cause the felt to shrink. Lastly, you should use a soft fibre brush to brush the felt on your card table. You should make sure that you brush in rows and brush only in one direction. It is necessary that you do not scrub because that will cause the felt to thin or even tear. Remember that before you play on that table again it should be completely dry so you may ant to wait at least a good 24 – 48 hours after cleaning.